How to make your salon Instagrammable

02.09.2024 - Žaneta Mlčáková

These days, people love capturing and sharing beautiful spaces on Instagram—and your salon can be one of them! Ever seen those salons on social media with cute quotes on the walls, cozy corners, and perfect lighting? That’s what we mean by "Instagrammable." It’s not just about delivering great brows; it’s about creating a space so cute, stylish and inviting that clients can’t resist sharing it and coming back. Ready to make your salon the next social media favorite? Let’s dive in!

What is "Instagrammable"?

"Instagrammable" is a word you’ve probably heard a lot, but what does it really mean? It’s about creating a space that’s so stylish, eye-catching, and visually appealing that people can’t help but take photos and share them on Instagram. For a salon, it’s about adding those extra touches thatmake your salon stand out. Imagine chic decor, trendy color schemes, cute quotes on the walls, and perfectly arranged products. An Instagrammable salon is one that not only delivers great services but also creates experience clients are excited toshow off to their followers.

10 ways to make your salon Instagrammable

Wondering how to make your salon a social media hit? It’s all about the details that make clients want to snap and share! Every corner counts. Whether you’re starting fresh or just looking for a revamp, these10 tips will help you create a space that’s not just beautiful in person but also perfect for Instagram. Are you ready?

1. Mirrors

Mirrors are a must-have in any Instagrammable salon. Why? Because they’re perfect forselfie moments that everyone loves to share. When clients finish their appointment, they can’t resist taking a quick photo of their fresh brows or lashes—and a stylish mirror makes the perfect backdrop.

To make your mirrors truly Instagram-worthy, create aspecial cornerdedicated to selfies. Add a cute quote or message above or beside the mirror to give those photos an extra touch of personality. Make sure the area is easy to access so clients can capture their best angles. Photos taken in mirrors are incredibly popular on social media, so why not make the most of it? 

Tip #1: Include asticker of the logo of your salon or Instagram handle on the mirror itself. This not only adds a branded touch but also encourages clients to tag your salon when they post their photos. It’s a simple way to turn every selfie into a marketing opportunity!

Quote on a mirror

Imagine your clients capturing their stunning new lashes in this picture-perfect mirror. With a cute quote that adds just the right touch, this is the ultimate selfie spot they won't be able to resist! (Image credit: Pinterest)


Adding quotes to your salon walls is an easy way to make the space feel more inviting and Instagrammable. Whether it’s in the waiting room or right in the salon area, a cute or inspiring quotecan really catch the eye and make the space feel unique.

Think about adding motivating quotes related to beauty—something that will make clients smile or feel empowered. The key is to choose quotes that are not only memorable but also relatable. They should reflect the vibe of your salon and be something your clients can connect with. These little touches not only make your salon look great but also give your clients somethingfun and shareable. A good quote on the wall can turn a simple space into a must-snap moment!

Tip #2: If you're on a budget, posters are a great option. But if you want to go all out, consider lighting them up with LED lights or Neon signs for that extra wow factor.

femmere belle studio

AtFemme Rebelle, plush velvet chairs and a neon sign—"Oh! Baby you deserve it!"—create a cozy, luxurious vibe. (Image credit: Supercilium)

Quote on a wall
Looking for a little inspo? Imagine this glowing ‘Hello Beauty’ sign lighting up your salon space! (Image credit: Pinterest)
Extension bar
Check out this stunning flower wall fromHer Avenue in The Netherlands! The neon sign and vibrant blooms create the perfect photo-ready spot for clients who will want to show it on Instagram. It’s a beautiful way to mix style and branding! (Image credit: Her Avenue)

3. Logo

Your logo is a big part of what makes your salon unique, so it’s important that it’s modern and reallyreflects who you are. If your current logo feels a bit outdated or doesn’t match your salon’s vibe, don’t hesitate to update it. 

Tip #3: You can use free tools like Canva to create or refresh your logo, just make sure it’s unique and aligned with your brand’s identity.

Once you have a logo that truly represents your salon, display it proudly! On walls, doors, and even mirrors. The idea is to make your logo memorable, so whenever clients snap a photo, your brand is right there, front and center. This not only helps people remember your salon but also makes sure your brand gets noticed every time someone shares their visit on social media.


This studio in Haarlem,BrowStories, has the cutest logo that they use consistently throughout their salon. The logo, featuring elegant line art, is not just on their window but is integrated into the salon’s decor. Super cute, right?

4. Interactive photo wall

Want to create a focal point that grabs attention? Dedicate one wall in your salon to be the star of the show. This is where you can really get creative—think flowers, inspiring quotes, framed photos, mirrors, or bold colors. The goal is to make this wall soeye-catching that clients can’t resist taking a photo in front of it.

By designing a statement wall, you’re not just adding to your salon’s decor—you’re creating a perfect photo backdrop that encourages clients to snap and share their experience. It’s a simple yet effective way to make your salon more Instagrammable and get your brand out there.

Tip #4: To make the wall even more interactive, add something clients can sit on or interact with, like a stylish couch or a playful phone booth. This not only enhances the look but also encourages clients to engage with the space, making it an irresistible photo spot.

Her Avenue

Here’s a perfect example from Her Avenue in The Netherlands! This playful phone booth setup, surrounded by fun and vibrant wall decor, invites clients to interact and snap a photo. It’s a great way to make your statement wall not just eye-catching but also an engaging part of the experience. (Image credit: Her Avenue)

5. Treats

Offering your clients a little something extra during their appointment can make a big impact—and create the perfect photo opportunity! Think about serving coffee, a special drink, or even unique sweets that match your salon’s vibe.

For example, if your salon has a pink theme, why not add a pink coffee machine? It’s a small detail that can really stand out and make the experience memorable. Serving chocolates? Why not add your logo to make it extra cute. 

Tip #5: Get creative with your offerings! Think about serving themed treats like pink coffee or sparkling drinks that match your salon’s style. It’s a fun way to tie everything together and make the experience even more memorable for your clients.

These fun,shareable treats not only delight your clients but also make your salon experience even more Instagrammable. Imagine how many photos your clients will snap when their coffee or drink is as stylish as their new look!

Her Avenue

Check out this pink coffee machine that perfectly matches the salon's decor! It’s a great example of how a small, stylish touch can make your space more Instagrammable and memorable. (Image credit: Zaneta Mlcakova)

6. Sidewalk signs

Catch their attention before they walk in! Aneye-catching board outside your salon is a great way to grab attention and draw people in. Use it to showcase a fun quote, your logo, or a brief description of what your salon offers. A board like this can be both informative and Instagrammable, making it a perfect spot for passersby to snap a quick photo. 

By placing the board outside, you’re not only making it easy for potential clients to know what you do, but you’re also adding a touch of personality that can set your salon apart from others on the block. It’s a simple yet effective way to make your brand more visible and inviting.

Tip #6: Make sure your board is easy to read from a distance and reflects your salon’s personality. Whether it’s playful, elegant, or edgy, your board should give potential clients a feel for what they can expect inside.

Sidewalk board

Here's a simple, eye-catching board with a playful "hey, hi, yo!" greeting in a bright pink frame. It’s a great way to catch the attention of people passing by, making them curious enough to take a closer look. Don’t add too much information though, cause transients will only have time to quickly scan the info. Less is more!  (Image credit: Pinterest)

7. Retail

Have you thought about offering products in your salon? It’s a great way to improve your clients’ experience and boost your income. Clients trust your expertise, and they’re often eager to use the products you recommend to keep their brows looking fabulous between appointments. But it’s not just about offering any product—it’s important to choose items with attractive packaging that fit the vibe of your salon.

Setting up a dedicated retail space doesn’t have to be complicated. By creating acute, well-organized display, you make it easy for clients to see and purchase products while they’re already in your salon. And here’s the best part—did you know that many brands offer retail programs with everything you need to get started, including display stands and marketing materials? It’s an easy and effective way to add value to your services and give your clients something they’ll love to take home.

Tip #7: We offer a fantasticretail program that includes a display stand, making it easy for you to showcase our products in your salon. It’s a great way to help your clients keep their brows looking perfect between appointments—and who doesn’t love a recommendation from their brow expert?


Take a look at this retail setup. Doesn’t it just make you want to pick something up? The matching colors and pretty packaging turn a simple product display into something really eye-catching. (Image credit: Pinterest)

8. Decor 

Have you thought about howthe little thingson your salon tables can change the whole vibe? Whether it’s at the reception desk, in the waiting area, or in the treatment room, adding a few thoughtful touches can make your space feel more inviting and Instagram-worthy.

What kind of items should you consider? Think about fresh flowers, pretty candles, or even some neatly arranged magazines that match your salon’s style. These small details might seem minor, but they can make a big difference in how your clients feel when they walk in. 

Have you ever noticed how flowers can completely change the feel of a space? Adding flowers to your salon can instantly make it feelmore cozy and welcoming. Whether you go all out with a stunning flower wall or keep it simple with a few small arrangements, flowers and plants can really bring your space to life.

Tip #8: Keep your table decor in line with your salon’s overall look. Does your salon have a clean, modern feel? Then maybe go for simple, elegant pieces. If your space is more colorful and fun, add some bright, playful accents. Make your decor reflect your salon’s personality!


Credit photo: Supercilium

9. Color scheme

The color scheme of your salon is one of the most important elements in creating a cohesive and inviting space. A well-thought-outcolor palette can set the tone for your entire salon, making it feel more welcoming and stylish. Whether you prefer soft neutrals or bold, vibrant hues, your color scheme should reflect your brand’s identity and make your salon feel harmonious.

A tip from our community memberAnnette Ochoa in the US: "I would suggest sticking with an overall theme. Even if it’s just a color scheme. This should all come together with colors from your salon, business cards, website, and your Instagram layout. I recommend building a studio inspiration portfolio where you gather all your ideas, from your layout to your furniture. I also loved adding little details for my clients to make the space as welcoming as possible. But most importantly, creating a space that’s authentic to you will make you stand out."

Good Beauty LA

Take a look at her beautiful salon as an example. The soft, neutral tones create a calming and elegant atmosphere, perfectly tying together the space. By choosing a consistent color scheme, you can make your salon feel both professional and inviting, while alsomaking it easier to style and decorate! (Image credit: @goodbeautyla)

10. Make it YOU

The key to creating an Instagrammable salon is making sure it truly reflectswho you are. Your salon should have its own personality—one that makes both you and your clients feel comfortable and inspired. 


As our community memberKarolina Buka Beauty in Barnsley says, "My top tip is to make it YOU, I wanted to create a space that I would feel comfortable and happier in, but also a space that creates memorable experiences for my clients. I’ve worked in lots of different salons that just weren't me, and didn’t feel right.Other important factors were to make it practical and easy to maintain cleanliness and hygienic, this is why my studio is minimalistic and simple."

Your salon should reflect your style, whether that means a vibrant, energetic atmosphere or a calm, minimalist retreat. And don’t forget about practicality—make sure your space is easy to maintain, clean, and hygienic. 

By staying true to yourself and your vision, you’ll create a space that stands out and leaves a lasting impression.


Image credit: @karolinabukabeauty

Create an Instagrammable salon!

Creating an Instagrammable salon is mostly about the details that make your space unique and inviting. From eye-catching mirrors and inspiring quotes to cozy flowers and stylish furniture, every element plays a part in making your salon a place where clients not only love to visit but can’t wait to share.

Remember, it’s the little things—like a creative board, a fun feature wall, or thoughtfully arranged retail products—that can turn a simple salon visit into a memorable experience. And don’t forget to create those special moments with themed treats or cute quotes that capture your brand’s personality!

We’d love to see how you’ve made your salon Instagrammable! Share your photos with us on Instagram and tag us @supercilium—we might just feature your beautiful space on our page! Let’s inspire each other to keep raising the bar in the beauty industry. 


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