Eyebrow Dandruff: What is it and how to get rid of it?
written byManouk de Vries
In This Article
What is eyebrow dandruff?
Seemingly enough, it's pretty straight forward. Those same dry, itchy flakes that haunt your scalp from time to time, can actually also appear in the underlying skin of your brows. Medically, it’s referred to as Seborrheic Dermatitis. Seborrheic Dermatitis basically is a form of eczema that’s not limited to just your brows. It can appear anywhere on your body, it’s just often mostly seen on the scalp.David Lortscher, M.D., dermatologist, and CEO of Curology says, "Seborrheic dermatitis, or dandruff, occurs in areas of the body that are rich in oil glands, so the central face is a prime target. Many people also have itching and flaking in the scalp, although both areas are not necessarily affected; the central chest may be involved as well with dandruff."

(An example of eyebrow dandruff, or seborrheic dermatitis, source: Google)
Triggers of eyebrow dandruff
Although there is no one definite cause of this condition, it is said that it is an immune system response to the production of yeast on the skin cells. There have also been claims that certain medications and stress can also contribute to the overproduction of yeast, thus further aggravating and causing the condition to reappear in certain people.
According to an article on MindBodyGreen: "The triggers are all the same as other forms of eczema: cold weather, dry environments, irritating personal care products, or an allergy, but dandruff has a few other more specific triggers, like oil buildup (the yeast feeds on oil) or microbiome-disrupting washes."
How to treat
Luckily, eyebrow dandruff is typically treated similarly to scalp dandruff as it’s the same thing pretty much. The first thing that you can try is an anti dandruff shampoo, such as Head & Shoulders. You can gently lather the anti dandruff shampoo into your brows, avoiding the eyes.
Ilyse Lefkowicz, MD, Head & Shoulders dermatologist, says to avoid any cleansers, tonics, lotions containing Glycolic Acid, Benzoyl Peroxide, acne treatments, as it may further irritate the skin cells. Depending on the severity of the dandruff and the duration, an appointment to the dermatologist may be necessary.
How to avoid
Funny enough, we are writing this as one of our team members has this exact problem currently. To avoid getting eyebrow dandruff or to make it even worse, use the following tips:
Tips for beauticians
1. Use the Prep Peel Gel to exfoliate the skin. By exfoliating the skin you get rid of dead skin cells. While scrubbing makes it even worse, exfoliating can help to gently remove that layer of flaky skin without causing further damage.
You can sell both brow care products to them to use at home to improve their skin condition. As for the Prep Peel Gel, it’s important to not overdo it, so advise them to only use it once a week. Hopefully this will help them, so they can soon return to your salon to do the full treatment!